The internet today is full of millions of work at home jobs, most of which are designed solely to put holes in people’s pockets. It has often been said that over 90% of such adverts are mere scams solely designed to trap internet surfer’s money into bottomless pit.However, since greater percentage of online work at home adverts are fraudulent, it’s therefore advisable for part time job seekers to find alternatives to these online job scams. The simple solution is acquiring sincere advice and solution from reliable websites such as this website.
Alternatively, venturing into offline jobs and enterprises could be demanding whether part time or full time. On the contrary, It saves you cost of connecting to the internet.
Such offline jobs could include but not limited to
Brokerage ( linking buyers and sellers together e.g Agency)
Small scale manufacturing
Painting and drawing ( May be you love Arts, get a little basic training and get started)
Proofreading, interpretation and transcripting
Baby- sitting
Gardening ( This is very good if fruits and vegetables is in high demand in your locality)
Running Grocery stores
Rendering laundry, Cleaning and Fumigation services
Catering Services
The lists of offline full time or part time jobs are limitless, you can just think of any need that is yet to be filled in your locality and fill it profitably. Below are the basic tips to help you get started with your offline job anywhere in the world
Be ready to give yourself a push to doing your personal business offline
Think of any thing(s) or services not provided in your neighborhood and provide it profitably
Get training if required
Be hardworking just like in any other jobs, time is required for it to grow
Research well; be creative and innovative to stay ahead of your competitors. “They will surely spring up having seen your breakthrough. Learn new things everyday
Treat your customers like Kings. A happy Customer could become your unpaid affiliate Marketer
Finally, Make sure you are not breaking any known rules of the Government. Check Government directorates to get details or get registered if required.
Office is not compulsory. Your room or corridor could serve as your office
Little investment is required at start up. Computers, internet connection, etc are not compulsory at start up. You can however get them later as you grow
You become your own boss and dictate everything at your pace
No more starring at your computer for several hour doing online jobs
The benefits are uncountable. Be wise and start thinking today…..